Mark Green's Atheopaganism Blog

Living an Earth-Honoring Path Rooted in Science

PSSSST!… Wanna Be a Columnist?

With this site now migrated to a more flexible and attractive format, I’m also looking at making some content upgrades. I’ve been inviting guest posts since near the beginning of publishing the blog, but now I have one person (to be introduced soon!) who wants to do a twice-monthly column…

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Welcome to the New!

We’ve got a new look and feel and some much better tools for searching the content of the site now, having pried ourselves loose from the commercial side of WordPress to go with independent hosting and the open-source CMS. Thanks to GLEN GORDON and Rana A. for their help with…

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Community Update, Oct. 2022

Hi, everyone! We had our regular quarterly meeting of the Atheopagan Society Council last week, and we are going to be going through a strategic planning process to set priorities and objectives for our community for the next 2-3 years at our next meeting, in January.

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Atheopagan Community Priorities Survey

Hi, folks of the Atheopagan community! The Atheopagan Society is gathering data to inform our prioritization of various proposed activities. Please take a moment and fill out this survey–thanks!…

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Who Does That Mark Guy Think He is?

Recently, I have come to thinking about my role in the Atheopagan community. While I am a founder, certainly, I don’t want to be an authority, and I refuse to take on the hierarchical powers that such a role would entail (not that I think most members would want me…

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Talking with Friends and Family About Your Atheopaganism

It can be tricky. With some of them, it can be impossible. So my first recommendation, when it comes to talking about our path with those who don’t share it, is to be aware of your needs, and take care of yourself. If your grandparents are rabid evangelical Christians…

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