A Presentation to the 2023 Conference on Current Pagan Studies: January 15, 2023 THANKS for inviting me to present to the 19th annual Conference on Current Pagan Studies! I’d like to extend my appreciation to the organizers and co-creators of this event. We live in times of deep crises: Effects…
COLUMN: Paint By Season/January 2023
Welcome to Paint by Season! My name is Raena Parsons, and I am an artist, poet, and educator living in Jackson, Wyoming. Paint by Season is a new monthly column where you can follow along with me to create a monthly seasonal painting to celebrate the wonders of that…
A Special Announcement for Atheopagans!
This Holiday Season, Support Your Community!
Hey, everyone, it’s the holiday giving season. So I’m asking: please consider making a tax-deductible gift to The Atheopagan Society (TAPS) this year. The nonprofit Society is our community’s religious organization. TAPS produces events, creates learning opportunities and manages many of the details of coordinating a…
PSSSST!… Wanna Be a Columnist?
With this site now migrated to a more flexible and attractive format, I’m also looking at making some content upgrades. I’ve been inviting guest posts since near the beginning of publishing the blog, but now I have one person (to be introduced soon!) who wants to do a twice-monthly column…
Welcome to the New Atheopaganism.org!
We’ve got a new look and feel and some much better tools for searching the content of the site now, having pried ourselves loose from the commercial side of WordPress to go with independent hosting and the open-source CMS. Thanks to GLEN GORDON and Rana A. for their help with…