Mark Green's Atheopaganism Blog

Living an Earth-Honoring Path Rooted in Science

Welcome to the New!

We’ve got a new look and feel and some much better tools for searching the content of the site now, having pried ourselves loose from the commercial side of WordPress to go with independent hosting and the open-source CMS. Thanks to GLEN GORDON and Rana A. for their help with this complex migration!

Have a look around! The new Table of Contents in the sidebar will give you quick access to posts in general categories of topics, while the search bar will look for a specific word string (like “Yule”). All the material from the old site is here, searchable and in the same format as previously.

If you have comments on how we can improve the site, please send them through the contact page. We have MUCH more flexibility now than previously in design and functionality of the blog site.

More new stuff is coming–we’re going to have at least one twice-monthly columnist (to start with) and invite you to consider proposing your own column, if you are interested in writing for the community.

We hope the new format and tools will make the information here readily available and useful to you. Let us know what you think!


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