Mark Green's Atheopaganism Blog

Living an Earth-Honoring Path Rooted in Science

What We Turn Back into the Soil

It’s Hallows season–Samhain, Halloween, what have you–and my mind turns to mortality, decomposition, recomposition and the great wide Circle of Life. I’ve written a bit about death. Here, about the fact of mortality. Here, about how we can prepare for our…

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Revisiting the Sin-Eater for Hallows

I am fascinated by the tradition of the sin-eater. Found in several European cultures but primarily known from southern Wales and parts of England adjacent, the tradition is that after someone dies, their body is laid out with food atop its chest or on a…

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A Grateful Harvest

So it’s Harvestide, the season of the autumnal equinox. The time of gathering in, looking back over the year, celebrating what has come. It’s been a remarkable year for me, after a couple of very, very lean ones. This year, I took over as Interim Executive Director at my job…

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Love Letter from the Foot of the Mountain

It had been two years, three months and and sixteen days. In that time, I had seen not a one of the amazing people I met at Suntree Retreat 2022 in person. Zoom calls with a few, social media exchanges. And now I am come back from the 2024…

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It’s early morning, with the Sun just beginning to rise. My bags are packed, and I’m off to the airport soon to go to SUNTREE RETREAT 2024! I try to minimize my flying, but I don’t have the available time at work to drive this year, so here we are.

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The Wonder

The Perseids are strong tonight. I mean, it’s early: 9 pm. The Sun is only just down, but it’s a clear night with a quarter Moon and after midnight, there should be a vivid meteor shower, perhaps as many as one every minute or even less. The night air is…

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