Mark Green's Atheopaganism Blog

Living an Earth-Honoring Path Rooted in Science

Listen to My Interview on “Embrace the Void” podcast!

Host Aaron Rabinowitz had me on to discuss the new book, and we had a deep conversation about Atheopaganism and non-supernatural Pagan practice. Great, probing questions! Have a listen.…

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The Living is Easy

It’s summer, with Midsummer just a few days away. Long days full of Sun, sometimes hot but where I am, often buffered by the cooling ocean air to create perfect days with warm evenings. I just moved inside from sitting naked on my patio,…

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May Eve, the Darkness Before the Splendor

So it’s Walpurgisnacht, the night before May Day. Traditionally, a sort of transposed Hallows, with ghosts and spirits loose in the world before the brilliant dawn of the May. I sometimes think of May Day as the dawning of the World. There is something so grand and…

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It’s here!

My new book, Round We Dance: Creating Meaning Through Seasonal Rituals is published and launched! I had a lovely book launch party yesterday in Oakland, California. It was great to see friends, read some passages and sell and sign some books. It has been about a year and a…

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Brightening 2024

Today is the midpoint between what I term Midwinter (the winter solstice) and High Spring (the vernal equinox): thus, Brightening. Or Imbolc. Or Brighid. Or–my choice–Riverain, the Festival of Water. Depending on where you live, you might have…

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