Mark Green's Atheopaganism Blog

Living an Earth-Honoring Path Rooted in Science

Discovering Atheopaganism

I never knew there was anyone who felt as I did, who believed as I did. I really feel that I have found my people–that I have come home. Atheopagan community member It has been hugely beneficial for me to discover the…

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Why Hexes Don’t Scare Me

As Pagans, we live in a vivid world full of wonders. For we naturalistic Pagans, those wonders have names like photosynthesis and aurora borealis and cumulonimbus and flamingo. We pay attention to the world around us, and learn about its extraordinary creatures, phenomena and history.

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NATURALISTIC PAGANISM: A Challenge to the Paradigms of the Overculture

A Presentation to the 2023 Conference on Current Pagan Studies: January 15, 2023 THANKS for inviting me to present to the 19th annual Conference on Current Pagan Studies! I’d like to extend my appreciation to the organizers and co-creators of this event. We live in times of deep crises: Effects…

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What Do We Mean by “Revering Nature”? A Reality Check

Life is one of the Sacred four pillars of Atheopaganism. And it is often said of Pagans generally that we revere or even “worship” Nature. So…what do we mean by that? To explore that, we have to go back about 250 years to a major wellspring of modern Paganism,…

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Imagining a Brand-New, Cringe-Free Paganism

Bear with me here, because I am probably going to piss some people off. Just keep an open mind, and listen. Atheopaganism is a modern path. Created beginning in 2005, the essay describing it was first published in 2009. The online community launched in…

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My Top Ten from 2021

The year is drawing down, and it’s time to take a look back at what we’ve published and pick some favorites! Here, in no particular order, are my favorite ten blog posts of 2021. If you have a favorite that isn’t on the list, please comment below!…

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