Mark Green's Atheopaganism Blog

Living an Earth-Honoring Path Rooted in Science

Growth is Change

Paganism generally—and Atheopaganism specifically—comprise intersecting sets of growing communities. And as we grow, we change. Generally, for example, the Atheopaganism Facebook group has been a very kind, warm context, but there has been more friction lately, and a need for more hands-on moderation. This is inevitable. When we were a…

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The Long Game

It’s not looking so great for the future of the world right now, is it? The machinations of Vladimir Putin to stir up nativist and racist sentiments in the UK and US have led to disastrous results: the Trump election and Brexit. Both are systematically destroying the liberal democratic traditions…

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Midsummer Dawn: A Regional Pagan Event

Midsummer Dawn is a low-tech Pagan gathering for those of us who miss events like Ancient Ways. We’ll do a couple of (non-theist) rituals in the evenings, but mostly focus on socializing and building community. Two nights under the magnificent stars in the exquisite Sugarloaf Ridge State Park in Sonoma…

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Join Us for Atheopagan Events at the Final Pantheacon!

I am presenting at the final Pantheacon, Feb. 14-17. I hope that those of you who are also attending will join me for these Atheopagan events. An Introduction to Atheopaganism.  Saturday at 12 PM in the Spark Collective hospitality suite, Room 247. What is the Pagan path…

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Soapbox On Loan! Call for Submissions

Atheopaganism is getting pretty big. It won’t be long before the Facebook community crosses 2,000 members, and our path is now a topic of conversation and familiarity in many Pagan circles all over the world. Each of us does it a little differently, and that is exactly as should be:…

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