Mark Green's Atheopaganism Blog

Living an Earth-Honoring Path Rooted in Science

The Book is Here!

I am thrilled to announce that as of today, Atheopaganism: An Earth-Honoring Path Rooted in Science is available for order in print and e-book formats! Atheopaganism is a handy guide to the path: the science background, the values, the Principles, the Sabbaths, crafting rituals, building a Focus, etc. The book…

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At Last, There is Going to be a Book!

I am excited to announce that on October 1, Atheopaganism: An Earth-Honoring Path Rooted in Science will be published! The book will be available in both print and e-book formats and will be available through the usual channels. Atheopaganism contains a full overview of the science behind Atheopaganism, a discussion…

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Living in a Sacred World

Nature is magnificent. Daily, we have sunsets and sunrises, trees and birds and all sorts of magnificent creatures. Frequently, we have new-burgeoning crescent Moons or full Moons or waning, deep-into-the-night Moons, casting their silver magic across the land. Rarely, we have sundogs and auroras and eclipses and comets. Experientially, we…

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The Atheopagan Suntree and Its Meanings

In summer of 2018, the Atheopagan community went through a process of selecting a symbol for our path. Many designs were submitted, and after several rounds of voting, we settled on this: the Suntree. I’ve been wearing a Suntree now since last August, created by community member James Morganstern. I…

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In Which I Have Nothing of Value to Say

As I have noted previously, I am a white guy. Really, really white. tells me that I am 99.4% northwestern European in derivation. I get that this limits my perspective in a variety of ways, and so the following may be of no value other than for…

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Towards a Culture of Happiness

Yes, the world presents us with tremendous challenges. Yes, there are many reasons for sadness and anger and grief. Yes, there is urgency in addressing crises that threaten our very existence. So why, then, does Atheopaganism put a premium not only on being activists, but on being happy people? On having…

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