Mark Green's Atheopaganism Blog

Living an Earth-Honoring Path Rooted in Science

The Avalanche–A Poem for January

The avalanche took our home. A wave of ice drove us before it, And everything we thought we had we loaded on our backs And fled, but no luck: the cold fist ground us under. Home. Years. Love. Work. Health. We cried as it passed over…

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Mulled Wine

It begins where the smoke hits your eyes: smouldering peat, Mutton stew on a broad iron hook, Deep snow. How can it ever have been summer? Apples wrinkling and mice in the barley— With so much to fear, thank fortune for company! We’ll tell our…

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A Winter Spell

O cold, inexorable darkness Draw back now beyond these circling walls. Should fear, and want, and danger walk It shall not be, it is not here. Let this place of warming light Bulwark against freezing night: a promise Holding through the day that we, come nightfall…

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Vigil Winter stands in the corner of my garden, Rounds her shoulders, tucks her chin, draws tight her cloak of stars and ice, Razor moon and rain. Spare and erect, gaunt in the darkness,…

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“Pantheism, Archetype, and Deities in Ritual, Part 3” by Shauna Aura Knight

More, and powerfully, effectively communicated. I recommend Pt. 2, also but reblogging the whole series feels like stealing rather than excerpting. Go find it at!…

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“Pantheism, Archetype, and Deities in Ritual, Part 1” by Shauna Aura Knight

This is a wonderful description of an approach to ritual that is very close to mine. I consider that “experience of the divine” to be a particular numinous brain state that is a neurochemical phenomenon, but the point is arriving at that state. That’s what ritual is for, whatever you…

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