Mark Green's Atheopaganism Blog

Living an Earth-Honoring Path Rooted in Science

Yuri’s Triumph

It is 60 years ago today that the era of humanity in space began with the remarkable, courageous orbit of Yuri Gagarin around our beloved planet. OFF WE GO! he said as his rocket, Vostok 1, began the long, roaring climb out of Earth’s gravity well. And nothing has…

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AtheopaganCon: An Aspiration [POSTSCRIPT: We did it!]

For some time now, folks online and in the Zoom chats have referred now and again to “APCon”, an imagined in-person gathering where we can meet, discuss our path, socialize, and share community. Real hugs (with consent, of course)! With the vaccine coming online and hope beginning to stir about…

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Why Paganism Hasn’t Failed…Yet.

John Halstead has written an article around a table lifted from the anthology Deep Green Resistance*. It’s a great piece: go ahead and read it. I’d say that’s about 2/3 of a perfect assessment of modern Paganism and the current Pagan…

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Meet the Atheopagan Society Council!

This year, terrible as it has been in so many ways, has seen Atheopaganism evolve to a new level. We have created a legal entity which can carry on the work of the path beyond the life span of any individual: The Atheopagan Society. This nonprofit corporation is as remarkable…

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Soil and Sky; Love and Joy

There are those who try to hijack Paganism in the name of their bigotry and their hatred: who crow “blood and soil!” as if that means something. As if it is anything more than an adolescent boy’s angry braying. Like most big lies, the “blood and soil” of neo-Nazis–some of…

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A Mood

I have been thinking… No. I have been feeling about this community of people, the nontheist Pagan community. I have been feeling because sometimes such appreciation, such gratitude wells up in me to be with you all. So a wrote a thing. THIS Community We’re having none of the…

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