Mark Green's Atheopaganism Blog

Living an Earth-Honoring Path Rooted in Science

The God Mask – A Ritual Technique

We had a great conversation at our online video chat in the Facebook Atheopagan group today. Topics ranged, but one that stuck out for me was Glen Gordon’s discussion of his work to create a new lexicon for Pagan and ritual phenomena he feels aren’t well defined…

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The Atheopagan Principles Explored: Principle 4—Humility

This is the fourth installment of a 13-part series exploring the Atheopagan Principles, as described in my essay “How I Became an Atheopagan”. To read the whole series, click the tag “Atheopagan Principles” in the tag cloud at right. Principle 4 of Atheopaganism is, I am humble.

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The Atheopagan Principles Explored: Principle 3—Gratitude

This is the third installment of a 13-part series exploring the Atheopagan Principles, as described in my essay “How I Became an Atheopagan”. To read the whole series, click the tag “Atheopagan Principles” in the tag cloud at right. Principle 3 of Atheopaganism is, I am grateful. But…

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The Atheopagan Principles Explored: Principle 2—Honoring the Earth

This is the second installment of what will be a 13-part exploration of the Atheopagan Principles. The derivation and listing of the Principles is found in Part II of my essay “How I Became an Atheopagan”, which you can read here. To read the whole series, click…

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The Atheopagan Principles Explored: Principle 1–Critical Thinking

The 13 Atheopagan Principles are my take on a code of ethics for atheist Pagans: guidelines for living and touchstone values rooted in the Four Sacred Things of Love, Life, Truth and Beauty. Their derivation is enumerated in Part II of my essay “How I Became an Atheopagan”, which you…

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When Is a Religion For?

Recently, I attended the Bay Area Solstice, a ritual celebration of the winter solstice which springs from the rational/skeptic community. Raymond Arnold, who first organized such a solstice event in New York, from which they have spread, has crafted a passage through time in which the darkness is…

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