Mark Green's Atheopaganism Blog

Living an Earth-Honoring Path Rooted in Science

Audio: Why Tarweed was a Good Idea

Another in my series of Sonoma Stories: mythology for a sacred landscape of meaning. Text version here.

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Mythology: Why Tarweed was a Good Idea

Another in my series of Sonoma Stories: mythology for a sacred landscape of meaning. It was summer, and the great Sun was in love. He stretched his warm arms down to stroke the soft green of Sonoma’s belly, and everywhere he touched the grass grew tall, the…

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Creating Your Own Wheel of the Year

In Atheopaganism,  similar to many other Pagan paths, we celebrate eight Sabbaths, or holy days: the solar equinoxes and solstices, and the points between them. But I encourage folks to adapt this calendar to fit the circumstances of the places where we live, choosing our own names and meanings for…

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Audio: Salmon’s Revenge

Another in my series of Sonoma Stories: mythology for a sacred landscape of meaning. Text version here.

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Mythology: Salmon’s Revenge

Another in my series of Sonoma Stories: mythology for a sacred landscape of meaning. Around here, before the Lost People pushed their way in and started building cities, this used to be Bear country.  Bear’s still here, but she keeps to the hills and…

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Atheopagan Symbol Contest: Round 2

Where things stand: Below are the candidate symbols for the second round of voting. They include the top three from the first round. Please vote in the comments either on the Facebook group or below. Please vote by July 17, and only vote for ONE choice! What…

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