Mark Green's Atheopaganism Blog

Living an Earth-Honoring Path Rooted in Science

Reciprocity vs. the Overculture

I’ve been thinking a lot about the Overculture lately: how the dominant values and paradigms of our societies inform how we think, how we speak, and what we do. For a discussion of all that, I invite you to listen to this week’s episode of THE…

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Murderous Holidays

Today, in the United States it is Veterans’ Day (titled Armistice Day in Europe), which was founded to mark the end of the obscene, utterly baseless bloodbath that was the first World War. According to the Overculture, today is a day to feel grateful to those who Gave The…

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Autumn: The Drawing Down

Now that the equinox has passed, things seem to be happening more quickly, somehow. The days are markedly shorter (here in the northern hemisphere), and there is a chill in the air at night despite wan, warm days. Growing global heat means that the coastal fog cycles that cool…

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Summer’s Waning

So I’ve finally settled on a name for the August Sabbath…or two of them, really, because I like “Dimming” quite a bit as well. It’s not really “Summer’s End”–at least, not where I live–although I can still consider it the beginning of the autumn season. Hot days lay…

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Some Ritual Etiquette

Once upon a time, long, long ago, people would gather in groups for social interaction. They had parties, attended performances and sporting events, and some of them, the Pagan ones, held group rituals. Perhaps soon, they will begin doing such things again. In the hope of that happy day,…

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Holy Days

OK, to start with let me just say: they’re all holy. Every unique, magnificent, rare and extraordinary day of your life, whether you sleepwalk through it or not, is a holy day. Because there are only so many of them, and then you are gone forever. So try to…

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