Mark Green's Atheopaganism Blog

Living an Earth-Honoring Path Rooted in Science

Holy Days

OK, to start with let me just say: they’re all holy. Every unique, magnificent, rare and extraordinary day of your life, whether you sleepwalk through it or not, is a holy day. Because there are only so many of them, and then you are gone forever. So try to…

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Midsummer 2020

In the Northern Hemisphere, the long days are upon us*! These are the days of Midsummer. Click here for all the previous posts about this Sabbath. To me, Midsummer is the celebration of the prime of life–of robust, confident adulthood (rather than the urgent young adulthood…

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A Walpurgisnacht/May Day Vigil Ritual Menu

As we collectively shelter in place to slow the advance of the novel coronavirus COVID-19, the world and the Wheel continue to turn. Spring is rolling around into summer (at least, in many places in the Northern Hemisphere), and we have come to that major pillar of the annual celebrations…

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Old Ways, New Days

It is midnight on the 29th of December. I have just returned from the Sebastopol Wassail, which is conducted annually by the Apple Tree Morris dancing team in my local area. Wassailing is an old English tradition. Poor people going from house to house begging became conflated…

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Finding Balance in a Sea of Chaos

So, Harvest is coming up: the autumnal equinox, Sept. 21. And all the usual seasonal meanings apply, of rich harvests and abundant fruits and vegetables and celebration of all the wonderful things that have come to us in the passing year. But there is a second meaning…

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Summer’s End—The Sabbath of Work

There were three Menne came out of the West Their fortunes for to trye And these three Menne made a solemn vow John Barleycorne must die. Welcome to the end of summer and the beginning of autumn! …though it may not feel to be so where you…

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