Mark Green's Atheopaganism Blog

Living an Earth-Honoring Path Rooted in Science

Into the Season of Harvest

We picked our tomatoes this week. They were all ripe and ready to go, so Nemea cut them off the plants and we have them in our kitchen now. Other than a basil plant we keep indoors, this is our harvest: grown in half wine-barrels, the tomatoes are fine…

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Meanwhile, Down South…

Yesterday I posted on the impending Northern Hemisphere Sabbath of Summer’s Waning or Dimming. But of course, this also means that what approaches in the Southern Hemisphere is Brightening, the holiday marking the point at which winter is technically over and the days have noticeably lengthened from their shortest…

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Summer’s Waning

So I’ve finally settled on a name for the August Sabbath…or two of them, really, because I like “Dimming” quite a bit as well. It’s not really “Summer’s End”–at least, not where I live–although I can still consider it the beginning of the autumn season. Hot days lay…

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Equanamity, Balance and the Equinox

As I write this, the Earth coasts in its slightly angled orbit towards the Ecliptic, the plane of rotation of the Sun. When we cross it, the days and nights will be of equal lengths (at the equator). It is the Vernal Equinox, the moment when the days begin…

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High Spring: An Equinox Compendium

I’ve written various posts on celebrating the vernal equinox over the years. Here are a couple of them, to help you plan your celebration of this Sabbath. Happy Spring! The Sabbath of Innocence High Spring: Themes, Resources and…

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It interests me that the new dawn in American politics comes at the same time that it has become evident (in the Northern Hemisphere) that the days are lengthening. We are no longer in the darkest of winter; the February Sabbath approaches, and the Sun, though young, is definitely…

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