Mark Green's Atheopaganism Blog

Living an Earth-Honoring Path Rooted in Science

GUEST RITUAL: Annual Lascaux Cave Rediscovery Celebration

This ritual was proposed by Michael Halloran of the Atheopagan Facebook group and perfected through input of other members of the group. Perform this ritual every September 12 to commemorate the accidental finding of this French cave in 1940. Objective: Celebrate the rediscovery of this impressive prehistoric cathedral as…

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An Underworld Focus

At this time of year, I pay a lot of attention to one part of my Focus*. As altar-y spaces go, it is unquestionably the “witchiest” part of mine: bones, skulls, fossils of extinct species, a mummified bat, images of prehistoric cave paintings, megalithic spiral carvings…

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A Deeper Look into Atheopagan Moon Observances

Not long ago, I posted about a wonderful idea that arose during the weekly Saturday Atheopagan Zoom mixer: to corollate the 13 Moon cycles of the year with the 13 Atheopagan Principles. This enables us to have “themes” for each Moon cycle of the…

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The Atheopagan Calendar of Moons: an Optional Set of New Observances

In the Atheopagan Saturday Zoom Mixer conversation this week, the group came up with a fantastic idea: to correlate the 13 Atheopagan Principles with the 13 cycles of the Moon each year, and observe each Moon as a time to contemplate and celebrate that particular…

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So, um…Wanna Get Ordained?

Today, I learned something amazing: In the U.S., if your religious organization’s income is ordinarily expected to be $5,000 per year or less, YOU DON’T HAVE TO FILE FOR TAX EXEMPT STATUS! What this means is that The Atheopagan Society is ALREADY a tax-exempt nonprofit.

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GUEST POST: An Atheopagan Example (starring: Hekate!)

by Kaigi-Ron Why did I choose Hekate?  Because she controls liminal space – including the thin line between Life and Death.  I was so deeply depressed, I felt doomed to die – so I wanted to cut a deal with her: If I die, please do what you can to…

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