Mark Green's Atheopaganism Blog

Living an Earth-Honoring Path Rooted in Science

Atheopaganism and the Broader Pagan Community

It’s never going to be a completely comfortable fit. Just as the suggestion of religious ritual and other symbolic, poetic, metaphorical practices will always be dismissed by some in the atheist community, Atheopaganism is always going to be viewed by some in the Pagan community as not rightfully belonging. Let me stop…

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Why Pagan Temples? A Not-Very-Good Reason.

John Halstead over at Patheos published a great series entitled “Why Church is No Substitute for Religion”, in the final episode of which he concludes that we need to be making our sacred places on an ad hoc and constantly-renewed basis, rather than focusing on buying land and…

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Reflections on Year One: Atheopaganism as Forward-Looking Religion

It is now about a year since I first made my essay, “How I Became an Atheopagan” widely available on the net, and since the Atheopaganism Facebook group became active. It has been exciting and gratifying to see the amount of interest and growth…

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On Pagan Institutions and Representation

N.B.: This is an “inside baseball” piece addressing the current controversy within the Pagan community over whether or not it is a good idea for Pagans to emulate other religions in creating organizations, institutions, and perhaps even credentialing for clergy or other leadership. As such, this may not be of…

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The Pagan World is Different (Adult)

This post is really meant most for those who have come to check out Atheopaganism from the atheist/skeptic community. Thus far, the material on this blog has all been “family-friendly” from the standpoint of mainstream Western society. Even my post on the…

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Divinity vs. the Sacred

“Well, you’re a pantheist, then.” I get this now and then, after describing my cosmology and Atheopagan path to other Pagans. And there’s nothing wrong with it. Pantheism is a perfectly fine way of looking at the Cosmos: to see Divinity in everything. Many pantheists don’t believe in deities as individual,…

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