Mark Green's Atheopaganism Blog

Living an Earth-Honoring Path Rooted in Science

Atheopagan Symbol Contest

Update: today, July 10, is the deadline for additional submissions (due to additional ideas and discussion on the Facebook group). Please mail to There will be further opportunities to comment and vote after the 10th. For those of you not on our Facebook group, where voting…

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Announcing a Contest! Inviting Designs for an Atheopagan Symbol!

We had a conversation on the Atheopagan Facebook group about a symbol for Atheopaganism, rather like the cross, star of David, crescent and star, pentacle, etc. Now, I should say a bit about this. I have been of decidedly mixed opinion about whether we should have a symbol, and when…

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What Are We Doing Here?

Recently, the usually calm and civil tone of conversations on the Atheopaganism Facebook group has been roiled a bit by some contentious subject matters. Particularly, the subject of “woo”—scientifically unsupported beliefs—and whether or not it is okay for us to poke fun at these beliefs in the…

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REGISTRATION IS OPEN! Moon Meet 2018—A Gathering of Atheopagans and Friends

The second annual Moon Meet is a congregation of Atheopagans, non-theist Pagans and others interested in our paths, held from Friday, August 24 through Sunday, August 26, on private land on a redwood-covered mountain near Healdsburg, in the beautiful wine country of Sonoma County, California. Registration is now open!…

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Announcing the Atheopaganism Patreon Campaign!

Atheopaganism has really taken off in the past couple of years! Our web traffic is up, our Facebook group is soon to break 1,000 members, and we’re engaged in the broader online conversation of the Pagan community to a significant degree. This is exciting! It’s also quite a bit of…

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We Are All Connected: On Atheopagan Counseling

We are all connected: to each other, biologically, to the Earth, chemically, to the rest of the Universe atomically. —Neil deGrasse Tyson So, I’ve written about our responsibility to the Earth. About how being who we are—Atheopagans—implies a necessary requirement that we stand…

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