It was night, nearly pitch black, and I had no idea how many steps extended before me, down into the darkness. Down to the Underworld. I was in a cave in Pinnacles National Park (then Monument) in California. And I was in Greece some 2,500 years ago. I was a…
Reflections on Year One: Atheopaganism as Forward-Looking Religion
It is now about a year since I first made my essay, “How I Became an Atheopagan” widely available on the net, and since the Atheopaganism Facebook group became active. It has been exciting and gratifying to see the amount of interest and growth…
An Atheopagan Life–High Spring and the Renewal of the World
Here at the end of February, it is finally obvious that the Sun is coming back. The sunset has pushed back a full hour, and there is still light in the sky at 6:30. The drought hasn’t left us here in California this year, despite some encouraging storms early on.
The Pagan World is Different (Adult)
This post is really meant most for those who have come to check out Atheopaganism from the atheist/skeptic community. Thus far, the material on this blog has all been “family-friendly” from the standpoint of mainstream Western society. Even my post on the…
Priest/esshood, Leadership and Atheopaganism
If you come to Atheopaganism from other Pagan paths, you may have noticed something in my writing, at least: there is no mention of priesthood or priestesshood. That’s not an oversight. Rituals very often have leaders. There is usually one person (sometimes two, but rarely more except with very large groups) who…
The Four Sacred Things
This is an excerpt from my essay “How I Became an Atheopagan“, posted to give an easy reference for the core values that inform my version of atheist Paganism. It is these pillars upon which were developed the Atheopagan Principles. We can’t talk about…