These days, I find it’s difficult just to navigate the world without getting sex all over me. The flowering trees and plants are airing their perfumes. When I get in my car in the morning, the windshield is covered with a fine dusting of yellow pollen. Fortunately, I am not…
On Mirth
As I have referenced before, these are challenging days. Much is at stake, and fools are at the wheel. For someone prone to depression like me, it can be hard to keep my chin up and headed forward. This is why Atheopagan Principle 5 is so…
Children in Circle
Recently, there has been some discussion in the Pagan blogosphere about children in ritual circle: whether and when they belong there, what the considerations are. Those of us with experience circling in Pagan ritual know that this can be an issue.
Between Worlds
It’s a thing many Pagans say: “We are between the worlds”. It signifies that within the contained context of ceremonial ritual, we are apart from the mundane—that we are somehow outside of the natural world, and suspended in a space wherein all is possible. Where magic can happen. It isn’t…
Why Ritual?
For atheists new to the “pagan” part of Atheopaganism, the frequent question to crop up is: what’s up with these rituals? Why do you do those? And to speak to the rational parts of their minds which are commonly what they most rely on, I answer that ritual enables us…
Living in Dark Days
One thing most Pagan theists have that Atheopagans do not is a belief that their gods care about Earthly matters. Necessarily, this means that gods are trying to achieve their goals through the unfolding of history. Theists try to divine the will of their gods and behave in accordance with…