Mark Green's Atheopaganism Blog

Living an Earth-Honoring Path Rooted in Science

The Powers of an Atheopagan

They aren’t gods. They aren’t self-aware, and thus have no agency. They don’t communicate. They simply are. Irrefutably. And they are not “worshiped”. They have no egos with which to soak up adulation. They are here. They are real. They are honored, revered, contemplated with humility and wonder. They are the Powers…

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We Die.

We’re going to die. All of us. Grappling with this fact may be the single most powerful factor in what it means to be human. It is so profound and unarguable a fact that every religion has to confront it in one way or another, and Atheopaganism must, as well. And while…

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Harvest of Ashes: A Shadow Sabbath

It’s supposed to be a time of bounty: the gardens overflowing, the grapes coming in to be crushed, the hard blue sky of autumn whispering, “hurry, time’s a-wasting.” A time for feasting with friends and reveling in sunsets; a time for sporadic hints of the wild weather to come. But what…

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In the Season of Fire

California, it is said, has four seasons: flood, mud, fire and earthquake. With fires raging and an unprecedentedly large El Nino forming for the coming winter, I suspect we’ll see a lot of the first three in the coming months. As to the fourth, who knows? As I write, the…

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Returning to a Space of Our Own

Recently, Niki Whiting at Patheos advised her readers not to read the work of those who are “mean”, and specifically named me as one such writer. It’s not hard to see why. A core truth of Atheopaganism clashes with a treasured precept of the hard theist. We…

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Castles in the Air

John Halstead has published a characteristically provocative piece in which he calls out John Beckett about the advisedness of the so-called “polytheist revolution”. Please go read them both; this post won’t make a lot of sense without them. I agree with Halstead completely on this…

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