Mark Green's Atheopaganism Blog

Living an Earth-Honoring Path Rooted in Science

My Five Favorite Posts of 2017

2017 saw more content than ever posted at Atheopaganism (as well as an upsurge in membership of the Facebook group). Here are five of my favorites among this year’s posts, in no particular order. Farewell, 2017, and happy New Year to you all! A Dawn Prayer…

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The Cauldron of Hope: A New Year’s Eve Ritual

If you are gathered with friends or family for New Year’s Eve, here is a light ritual you can do that isn’t interruptive of festivities but can add some meaningful heft to the launch of the new calendar year. Place a dollar coin, for luck and prosperity, into the bottom of…

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“Harm None” Ain’t Good Enough: A Call to Action

There has always been something about the Wiccan Rede that has bothered me, and I’ve finally figured out what it is. The Wiccan Rede, for those new to the community or coming into Atheopaganism from atheist/skeptic circles, is the only widely (though far from universally) adopted moral precept in the…

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Yule Offering #3: Love

My final wish for you all this Yule season is that you be surrounded with love. We are social apes, we humans, and loneliness is a terrible burden to us. Here at the dark and cold time of year, we can feel even more isolated, even more as though we…

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Yule Offering #2: Courage

My second hope for you at Yule is that you engage the season with bravery. This is the time when we stand up to darkness and cold and the prospect of much more of it, and we do so with a combination of brazen silliness and real strength: the kind…

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Yule Offering #1: Stillness

Here’s my first hope for you at (what I consider) the New Year: the Winter Solstice, or Yule. That after the holiday frenzy of Silly Season, after the parties and dinners and rituals, there comes a moment when you can just stop. And be still. And feel within you the glow…

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