Mark Green's Atheopaganism Blog

Living an Earth-Honoring Path Rooted in Science

One-Handed Ponderings and Updates

It’s been more than a week since I broke my arm, and as a result, my writing has slowed to a crawl. Between pain, ongoing hassles with trying to arrange medical care, and the simple inconvenience of typing one-handed, this is no longer the easy medium it has always been…

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THE WINNER! Your New Atheopagan Symbol

We gotta winner! We went through an extensive process and considered many possibilities, but in the end this symbol was the overwhelming favorite in the final round of voting to select an Atheopagan symbol. Congratulations to Linden Weaver and Rua Lupa for the concept…

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My Pagan Purple Heart

I’m afraid that unless I find a voice-dictation solution soon, posts to this site are going to slow for awhile. I was helping to set up the ritual fire circle at Ignite last Thursday, and I fell from the back of a large pickup truck, belly-flopping onto the road with…

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Ritual Practice of an Hellenic Atheopagan

EDITOR’S NOTE: The Pagan path of Atheopaganism as it is generally described on this site is free both of credulity in literal gods and of “soft theism”, or the usage of god-images, names and meanings as metaphorical in religious practice. But for some, this soft theism adds…

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Innovation Versus Tradition in Paganism

The mainstream current of modern Paganism has made much of celebrating “Ancient Ways” and “Old Gods”. This creates an inherent tension between old (or putatively old) practices and beliefs and the innovations and achievements of modernity. Elements of the broad Pagan umbrella range widely across this expanse. At one pole,…

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Ave Fortuna!

A guest post by Kaigi-Ron Ave is the principle of gratitude. Of recognizing, in each moment, how incredibly lucky you are…because it could’ve gone another way.  It could be so very much worse…but, fortunately, it isn’t. Ave Fortuna! It all started with the Focus to Fortuna.  In this world ruled by chaos, she rolls the dice. …

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