Hello, Atheopagans. By now, everyone knows about the novel coronavirus, COVID-19. It’s spreading rapidly and it has killed more than 3,800 people worldwide as of this writing. It appears to have a mortality rate in excess of 2%. To put that in context, the 1918 “Spanish” (it wasn’t) flu pandemic…
Love in the Time of the Coronavirus
It Is Long Past Time for Women, God Damn It.
I voted for Elizabeth Warren for US President. She was clearly the smartest, most prepared, most compassionate and sincere and—yes, I’ll say it—most progressive candidate in the race. She really gets poverty. She gets bigotry. She gets intersectionality. She gets it. She wasn’t perfect, and she’s made mistakes. Who hasn’t?…
Presenting THE WONDER: Science-Based Paganism (Launches Today!)
The podcast is a reality! You can listen to or download the first episode here or through any of the major podcast distribution channels (Apple, Google Play, etc.—though it may take a few days for this first episode to propagate through the various purveyors). Arwen and I…
Atheopaganism University: Week 5
Growing Light, Coming Changes: Introducing THE WONDER
The days grow steadily longer, and in my area the daffodils and poppies are up and blooming now. We’ve had unseasonably (? Climate change…) warm and dry weather throughout February and it’s looking like another drought year, but for now the hills and meadows are green and the bare trees…