Mark Green's Atheopaganism Blog

Living an Earth-Honoring Path Rooted in Science

Because I Cannot Be Silent

“George Floyd! George Floyd! George Floyd! SAY HIS NAME!”
Protesters in my city, June 2, 2020

There is nothing I can say that has not been said, more articulately and with more authority.

There is nothing I can add that doesn’t come through a filter of privilege.

There is nothing I can do but fight for justice.

But I have a forum, and I will not be silent on this.

Police murder of black and brown unarmed civilians is a pandemic in the United States. It is a means that entire communities are kept under the sometimes literal boot of white privilege. It is the perpetuation of oppression dating back 400 years.

Atheopagans oppose this.

We are explicit about this in our Atheopagan Principle #7: Inclusiveness. We are all equal in value, we humans, and we all deserve equal respect (at least until our behavior dictates otherwise. NOT because of race, color, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, body shape or size, disability or any other human variation).

I am appalled that there is anyone in my country who would not agree that Black Lives Matter. They matter enormously, and they must be treated as such.

White supremacy is an insidious, poisonous mockery of human pride. It is a revolting attitude. It must be eradicated.

As for the nuances of this, and how this is to be accomplished, I turn—and urge you to turn—to black and brown voices who speak with an authority I cannot.

Black Lives Matter.

Black Lives Matter.

Black Lives Matter.


  1. Thank you for holding up true Humanist values and not being silent about it. I’m proud to be part of the Pagan community you created and as a Puerto-Rican, I am glad to see white allies like you exemplifying purposeful and committed allyship ✊

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