Mark Green's Atheopaganism Blog

Living an Earth-Honoring Path Rooted in Science

On the Edge of Darkness: Hallows Reflections 2016

It’s a gray, dim day here in Sonoma County, under a foreboding blanket of low and heavy clouds. Forecasts are for showers throughout the day; it’s one of those Halloweens where parents crane their necks and scowl at the sky throughout the day, wondering whether they’ll get away with a…

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What We Turn Back into the Soil

It’s Hallows season–Samhain, Halloween, what have you–and my mind turns to mortality, decomposition, recomposition and the great wide Circle of Life. I’ve written a bit about death. Here, about the fact of mortality. Here, about how we can prepare for our…

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May Eve, the Darkness Before the Splendor

So it’s Walpurgisnacht, the night before May Day. Traditionally, a sort of transposed Hallows, with ghosts and spirits loose in the world before the brilliant dawn of the May. I sometimes think of May Day as the dawning of the World. There is something so grand and…

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Rituals in the Heat

It’s bitter here in the Northern Hemisphere right now, but I’ve been thinking about the South and the heat they are experiencing. Seems as though we are rich with ritual traditions and activities for the colder, darker half of the year, but after the Maypole there is very little…

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A Quick Index to Resources on this Site

There’s a lot here. More than 600 posts, going back to 2014. Essays on Atheopagan values and Principles, ritual skills and techniques, ritual outlines, suggestions for seasonal celebrations of the wheel of the year, rites of passage and personal rituals. A lot of useful ideas for help with building your…

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Planning for Eerie Season

October is nearly here! The witchiest, gothiest, most autumntacular time of year is once again approaching. If you’re like me, October requires some time commitment and advanced planning in order to get every sanguine drop out of the season. So here is a description of all the stuff I do…

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