Mark Green's Atheopaganism Blog

Living an Earth-Honoring Path Rooted in Science

The Wonder

The Perseids are strong tonight. I mean, it’s early: 9 pm. The Sun is only just down, but it’s a clear night with a quarter Moon and after midnight, there should be a vivid meteor shower, perhaps as many as one every minute or even less. The night air is…

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Listen to My Interview on “Embrace the Void” podcast!

Host Aaron Rabinowitz had me on to discuss the new book, and we had a deep conversation about Atheopaganism and non-supernatural Pagan practice. Great, probing questions! Have a listen.…

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Discovering Atheopaganism

I never knew there was anyone who felt as I did, who believed as I did. I really feel that I have found my people–that I have come home. Atheopagan community member It has been hugely beneficial for me to discover the…

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Chasing the Unicorn

EDIT: Saw ’em! A beautiful ruby-red glow across the sky around midnight!If you’re like me, you have a list of things you hope to see or do in your life. I don’t like the term “bucket list”, but that’s what it is. I am fortunate in that many of those…

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