Mark Green's Atheopaganism Blog

Living an Earth-Honoring Path Rooted in Science

Atheopaganism Alone

Recently, I asked the Atheopagan group on Facebook for suggestions of some topics they would like to see addressed here at the Atheopaganism blog. Given that non-theistic Paganism is a minority element of a minority religion, it’s no surprise that several people suggested writing on how to have a solo practice, or how…

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In the Time of Gathering Shadows

These days are hard. Not just the Orlando massacre. Not just the awful depths to which our political dialogue have descended. Not just the prospect of a preening narcissist with complete inability to control his impulses as a potential President of the most powerful nation on Earth. There is the dying of…

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Ritual Technologies: Sing!

If there is one human sense more than any other that really drills down beneath the thinking mind and evokes feelings, memories, longings, it would be the sense of smell. Olfactory cues go to the most primitive parts of our brains, and are remarkably powerful in snapping us back to powerful feelings…

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Considering the Moon

What does the Moon mean to an Atheopagan? Well, to this one, at least, the Moon is the bringer of “magic light”. Low light conditions tend to damp down the activity of the pre-frontal cortex of the brain, enhancing the role of the limbic system in consciousness. In moonlight, we…

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Thank you

Just wanted to chime in here to say that y’all are great. Really: that’s all I want to say. The community of people who have participated here and on the Facebook Atheopaganism page is a joy to me. We have interesting and civil conversations, we share compelling information and thought-provoking articles,…

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Making Peace with “Energy”

Something I had a hard time getting used to when I first entered the Pagan community was constant bandying of the word “energy”. “The energy was strong,” a person might say after a ritual. Or, “she has really bright energy”. Or, “we’re going to ‘send healing energy’ to Bob”. Or, “there was a lot…

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