Mark Green's Atheopaganism Blog

Living an Earth-Honoring Path Rooted in Science

Protip for Straight Pagan Men

There’s a thing straight Pagan men do. As I’ve observed it, they kind of do it a lot. Recently, I’ve had a couple of conversations that have brought this issue into high relief. They do it mostly to signal to women they don’t know very well—but are attracted to—that they…

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In the Season of Sex

These days, I find it’s difficult just to navigate the world without getting sex all over me. The flowering trees and plants are airing their perfumes. When I get in my car in the morning, the windshield is covered with a fine dusting of yellow pollen. Fortunately, I am not…

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On Mirth

As I have referenced before, these are challenging days. Much  is at stake, and fools are at the wheel. For someone prone to depression like me, it can be hard to keep my chin up and headed forward. This is why Atheopagan Principle 5 is so…

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Embracing Joy in Dark Days

Where I live, we are right at the fractal edge of spring: winter is stuttering, and between rains come bright, fresh days in the 70s, rich with the scent of flowering trees and lush grass. There is no doubt: the Wheel has turned. Winter has run its course. It’s days…

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Real Magic

Reality. It’s filled with marvels! It is not, however, filled with every marvel we can imagine. There are no dragons, nor unicorns. There are no pixies or fairies. And there is no “magic” in the sense of spellcasting, “charging” items with “power” or “energy”, hexes, curses, or otherwise affecting the…

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MOON MEET: Call for workshop proposals

If you’re coming to Moon Meet and would like to present a workshop, please contact me ASAP at atheopagan [at] comcast [dot] net to present your idea and start a discussion. [NEW EDIT]:  Please submit workshop proposals by March 20, so I can publish the event schedule thereafter. Thank…

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