Mark Green's Atheopaganism Blog

Living an Earth-Honoring Path Rooted in Science

Four Days Left! Register for Moon Meet at Discounted Price!

Moon Meet will be the first Pagan gathering for Atheopagans, non-theist Pagans, and those interested in or curious about our paths. It will take place Aug. 4-6, on private, redwood-forested land near Healdsburg, California, in the wine country of Sonoma County. Due to a generous contribution by…

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A Ritual of Ease for Midsummer

My circle met at my home yesterday. I’ve been circling with the same group for 27 years as of this upcoming Hallows (Samhain). We started as a group of six, and over time have expanded to ten, but all the original members are still here. It’s pretty remarkable. Dark Sun…

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Moon Meet—the first Pagan gathering focused specifically on the paths of Atheopagans and other non-theist Pagans—will be held Aug. 4-6. It’s time to register! Moon Meet takes place in the redwood forests of Sonoma County, California, on private land near the city of Healdsburg. Directions will be sent to registrants…

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Potok and the Hundred-Thousand Year Fire—A Campfire Tale

There was a night—long, long ago—when we had captured fire. This was many years before we knew how to make it. We found it in a tree which had been struck by lightning, carried it in a gourd to where we made a camp. And that night, we gathered around…

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Visions of the Future

As I’ve written before, Atheopaganism is inherently political. It isn’t possible to revere the Earth as Sacred, to hope for a world where love and kindness and justice are far more widespread without having a political agenda to match. Many Pagans are political, in varying ways. While…

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Happiness, Ecstasy, and Threading the Needle

I stumbled out from the trees atop the mountain, Matagalls—the second-highest in Catalonia. I was teaching at a children’s language camp, and at the end of the camp we had taken a day to lead the students on an expedition to climb the peak. Cold weather had moved in and…

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