Mark Green's Atheopaganism Blog

Living an Earth-Honoring Path Rooted in Science

May Celebrations That Aren’t About Sex

  Hooray, hooray, the first of May Outdoor fucking begins today!              —old saw So, Atheopaganism is a pleasure-positive path. That’s Atheopagan Principle #10: so long as others and the Sacred Earth are respected, we believe that joy and fun…

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In Which I Have Nothing of Value to Say

As I have noted previously, I am a white guy. Really, really white. tells me that I am 99.4% northwestern European in derivation. I get that this limits my perspective in a variety of ways, and so the following may be of no value other than for…

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We revere the world because it is real. It verifiably exists, and it is magnificent: it sustains us, it unfolds in its myriad, fractal ways: in forests and grasslands, in oceans and deserts, in mountains and valleys and canyons, in lakes and rivers and fog and rain and snow. It…

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Practically Speaking

Atheopagan Principle 6 is about praxis: having a spiritual practice. For many, that involves rituals and seasonal celebrations. For others, simple walks in nature or periods of quiet meditation fulfill that purpose. For many who are just coming into Atheopaganism, this can be a little daunting.

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Towards a Culture of Happiness

Yes, the world presents us with tremendous challenges. Yes, there are many reasons for sadness and anger and grief. Yes, there is urgency in addressing crises that threaten our very existence. So why, then, does Atheopaganism put a premium not only on being activists, but on being happy people? On having…

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Happy High Spring!

The vernal equinox is upon us, as of 2:58 pm PDT today! The days will be longer than the nights, and we will steadily grow in daytime through to the summer solstice on June 20. Unless you are in the Southern Hemisphere, of course, in which case, happy Autumn! A joyous…

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