Mark Green's Atheopaganism Blog

Living an Earth-Honoring Path Rooted in Science

Join Us for “Atheopaganism U.”!

Please note that the first session of Atheopaganism U. is filled. If you would like to be put on the list for the next session, please use the Contact page form. I’m excited to announce that I am launching an online course in the Atheopagan path, “Atheopaganism U.”, with…

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Living in a Sacred World

Nature is magnificent. Daily, we have sunsets and sunrises, trees and birds and all sorts of magnificent creatures. Frequently, we have new-burgeoning crescent Moons or full Moons or waning, deep-into-the-night Moons, casting their silver magic across the land. Rarely, we have sundogs and auroras and eclipses and comets. Experientially, we…

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Towards a Spirituality of Responsibility

Paganism is fun. It is: it’s playful, humorous, creative, sexy, joyous, and results in communities which are often wonderful to belong to*. Atheism isn’t so fun—often, it’s stuck in fascination with being “right”—but it is grounded in reason and evidence and, thus, in what we can say…

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Walpurgisnacht and the Veil of Memory

In Northern European folklore from Ireland to the Czech Republic, the 30th of April is “May Eve”, which the Germans named for the Catholic St. Walpurga as Walpurgisnacht and believed to be a time when witches and evil spirits were abroad. It is believed—like Hallows in October—to be a time…

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The Atheopagan Way, and What It Isn’t

It’s not dressing as if you’re at a Renaissance Faire. Nor goth/BDSM aesthetic, all black and “witchy”. Both are fine, if you want to indulge in them. But they’re not relevant to the path. It’s not a commercial platform for selling crystals, oils, tinctures, potions, tools, incenses, candles, Tarot cards,…

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Being Rooted and Transcending the Overculture

Contemporary Paganism in the English-speaking world suffers from multiple contaminating ideas carried over from the overculture that suffuses that world. A part of our effort at liberating ourselves from these assumptions and paradigms through Atheopaganism must, therefore, lie in choosing and adopting different models for understanding ourselves in relation to…

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