Mark Green's Atheopaganism Blog

Living an Earth-Honoring Path Rooted in Science

What if..?

What if we lived in a world that respected knowledge and expertise? That embraced kindness and compassion as the most important human qualities? The culture of which ensured that every mouthful of food, every day of living was acknowledged as a gift of the Sacred Earth? That saw poetry, art,…

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UPDATE: The Atheopagan Society. Also, Please Stay Home.

Well, the new nonprofit has a name! The Working Group selected The Atheopagan Society (TAPS) as our monicker. We hope to move relatively quickly in developing the documents we need to file for incorporation in California and federal tax exemption, but there are a lot of policies and details to…

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Blue-Skying Under Quarantine

We are the people of the future, and we are organizing.   So, there is going to be an Atheopagan religious nonprofit. As the working group (composed of Atheopagan scientists, Facebook group moderators, and other key supporters) comes together to work on this, I’m trying to dream…

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UPDATED: A Concept for Your Consideration: The Atheopagan Foundation (or something)

We have a discussion thread right now on the Atheopaganism Facebook group about “institutional religion”, and in it, I have made very clear that I don’t ever want to see Atheopaganism incorporated as a “church” or a legal religious institution. Atheopaganism is for everyone…

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Benediction and Graduation for Atheopaganism U.

Two Thousand and Counting

Atheopaganism started out with me talking to myself. Fifteen years ago, after two appalling experiences in the Pagan community, I quit. I retreated from the community and my friends, I let my altar gather dust, and I abandoned my rituals and observances. But soon I missed my ritual life, and…

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