Mark Green's Atheopaganism Blog

Living an Earth-Honoring Path Rooted in Science

Beyond the Walls: Reflections

So it’s been a month now since the shelter-in-place orders and the dawning realization of just how serious this pandemic really is. I feel grateful  that this disease hasn’t touched my life yet. But I recognize that it is only a matter  of time. I’m starting to see signs of…

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REBLOGGED: Paganism in the time of coronavirus – part 3: Virtual rituals

Some useful observations and tips for performing virtual rituals online. I will be starting to try this soon myself!…

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On Authenticity

Many religious people and paths—including many Pagans and Pagan traditions—place a great premium on claims of authenticity: that their mythologies, traditions and practices are, for want of a better word, “real”. “Real” ancient lore or rites. “Real” narratives about god/desses. “Real” translations of “real” ancient texts. “Real” rituals, real traditions,…

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CANCELED: Midsummer Dawn event

Regrettably, projected spread of the COVID-19 virus indicates that it is simply not safe to plan a group gathering for late June, so I have been forced to cancel Midsummer Dawn 2020. I will refund the registration fees of those who have signed up over the next few days. I’m…

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