Mark Green's Atheopaganism Blog

Living an Earth-Honoring Path Rooted in Science

Midsummer 2020

In the Northern Hemisphere, the long days are upon us*! These are the days of Midsummer. Click here for all the previous posts about this Sabbath.

To me, Midsummer is the celebration of the prime of life–of robust, confident adulthood (rather than the urgent young adulthood of May Day), and, in the agricultural cycle, of relaxation and ease between the earlier plowing, sowing and planting and the later harvest Sabbaths.

Many Midsummers I have celebrated have been times to deliberately, conscientiously goof off: to relax, eat and socialize with friends. Perhaps to go to the beach, which is a fine Midsummer tradition.

But this is the (first?) year of COVID-19. I will not be gathering with loved ones this Midsummer, nor flocking to the coast with many others. It’s time to do something new.

Accordingly, on June 20, I will:

  • Arise with the dawn to greet the Sun with my Dawn Prayer.
  • Refresh my Sun Broom.
  • Drink golden wine and eat delicious, perfectly ripe peaches.
  • Kindle a fire in my back yard fire pit and enjoy the temperate evening (carefully, as wildfire season is nearly upon us).

I invite you to join me in these! And lastly and for this year only…

This last is so exciting! We’ve been ready with the documents for about a week now, but wanted to hold off on filing so the “birthday” of the organization will be the solstice.

When I light the candles on my Focus that evening, I will light an extra one for The Society, marking its birth into the world and my wishes for its successful future.

Please feel free to join me if you like! I wish you a joyous Midsummer and the deep pleasure of the long evenings.

*In the South, of course, we are approaching Yule. the shortest day of the year. If you’re there, merry Yule! Here are prior posts about celebrating the birth of the new Sun.


  1. Wait…You have “delicious, perfectly ripe Peaches”?
    I don’t even start looking for good peaches until the end of June, if then. Is this a particularly good year, or is my timer off?
    Definitely not asking for a friend.

    1. Thank you! This is the “starter” version of the site, for while the IRS is considering our application; once we have tax exempt status I will upload ordination pages, etc.

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