Mark Green's Atheopaganism Blog

Living an Earth-Honoring Path Rooted in Science

With Both Hands in Grave Dirt

‘Tis the season for we Pagany/witchy types. There is an entire aesthetic we—or most of us, anyway—enjoy that has a brief moment in the waning sun each year, and this is it. Now, as Atheopagans, we don’t believe in ghosts or spirits or Dark God/desses. But that…

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Finding Balance in a Sea of Chaos

So, Harvest is coming up: the autumnal equinox, Sept. 21. And all the usual seasonal meanings apply, of rich harvests and abundant fruits and vegetables and celebration of all the wonderful things that have come to us in the passing year. But there is a second meaning…

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This Is a Way of Life. You Can Ritually Commit to It.

Atheopaganism is a Pagan path without “degrees”, levels of initiation, clergy statuses, etc. We’re all of equal value on this planet and in this practice, and so we say that any Atheopagan with the skills and inclination may, say, officiate at a wedding or a…

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UNFROZEN: A Ritual for Getting Unstuck

Call it anxiety or procrastination or what have you*, life often grips many of us in a tense paralysis wherein we know we must act, we have obligations and deadlines and must-dos, but we just can’t move. It is a terrifying feeling: to watch the sand dripping through the glass and…

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Atheopagan Practice and Mental Illness

It is said that about 13% of people worldwide suffer some kind of mental illness and/or substance abuse issue. That figure goes as high as 18% in some countries; poorer countries tend to have lower reporting, so these figures are skewed to the low end. That’s 970…

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Summer’s End—The Sabbath of Work

There were three Menne came out of the West Their fortunes for to trye And these three Menne made a solemn vow John Barleycorne must die. Welcome to the end of summer and the beginning of autumn! …though it may not feel to be so where you…

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