Mark Green's Atheopaganism Blog

Living an Earth-Honoring Path Rooted in Science

Midsummer 2020

In the Northern Hemisphere, the long days are upon us*! These are the days of Midsummer. Click here for all the previous posts about this Sabbath. To me, Midsummer is the celebration of the prime of life–of robust, confident adulthood (rather than the urgent young adulthood…

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Ritual and Self Care for Protesters

Had enough? World just about all you can take? Well, first of all, if you aren’t one, welcome to the world of black and brown people. Maybe reflect on that for awhile. But beyond that, let’s talk about tools to help us manage. To help us feel better despite the…

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A Walpurgisnacht/May Day Vigil Ritual Menu

As we collectively shelter in place to slow the advance of the novel coronavirus COVID-19, the world and the Wheel continue to turn. Spring is rolling around into summer (at least, in many places in the Northern Hemisphere), and we have come to that major pillar of the annual celebrations…

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GUEST POST: A Naturalist’s Shrine

By Dustin Autry What is a shrine?  Whether a box, an alcove, or a demarcated spot, it is a sacred site dedicated to a person, deity, idea, or something else worth veneration or remembrance.  It could be a saint, or a town’s war dead; in a less formal sense, it…

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Is This The Time to Work on Your Spirituality?

The world has the novel coronavirus. The pandemic is serious, spreading, and causing major disruption. Many of us have been sent home from work, hopefully to work remotely but, for the less fortunate, simply to tough it out. And in our non-work time, we have hours and hours…

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