Mark Green's Atheopaganism Blog

Living an Earth-Honoring Path Rooted in Science

Why Paganism Hasn’t Failed…Yet.

John Halstead has written an article around a table lifted from the anthology Deep Green Resistance*. It’s a great piece: go ahead and read it. I’d say that’s about 2/3 of a perfect assessment of modern Paganism and the current…

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A Sad Reckoning

I had hoped that the American Presidential election would be a repudiation of Donald Trump and the divisive, racist, misogynistic, homophobic, fascistic nightmare of Trumpism. That hope was not realized. While Joe Biden–a decent man who I think will be a good though not transformative President–will eke out a victory,…

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PLEASE VOTE! Atheopaganism book nominated for a “Witchie” Award!

I am so excited to announce that some wonderful person/people nominated my book, Atheopaganism: An Earth-Honoring Path Rooted in Science for a Witchie award! The Witchies are kind of like the “Pagan Oscars”, and include categories like Best Book, Best New Author, Best Vlog, etc. Atheopaganism has been nominated in…

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Because I Cannot Be Silent

“George Floyd! George Floyd! George Floyd! SAY HIS NAME!”Protesters in my city, June 2, 2020 There is nothing I can say that has not been said, more articulately and with more authority. There is nothing I can add that doesn’t come through a filter of privilege. There is…

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It Is Long Past Time for Women, God Damn It.

I voted for Elizabeth Warren for US President. She was clearly the smartest, most prepared, most compassionate and sincere and—yes, I’ll say it—most progressive candidate in the race. She really gets poverty. She gets bigotry. She gets intersectionality. She gets it. She wasn’t perfect, and she’s made mistakes. Who hasn’t?…

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The Long Game

It’s not looking so great for the future of the world right now, is it? The machinations of Vladimir Putin to stir up nativist and racist sentiments in the UK and US have led to disastrous results: the Trump election and Brexit. Both are systematically destroying the liberal democratic traditions…

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