Mark Green's Atheopaganism Blog

Living an Earth-Honoring Path Rooted in Science

A Winter Spell

O cold, inexorable darkness Draw back now beyond these circling walls. Should fear, and want, and danger walk It shall not be, it is not here. Let this place of warming light Bulwark against freezing night: a promise Holding through the day that we, come nightfall…

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The Dusty Altar

Since I was a small child, I have suffered bouts of depression. Most of the time I muddle through but a few times it has been crippling: the kind where you spend months in bed, looking down at yourself and thinking, “JUST GET UP. JUST DO IT.” But you don’t. Because you…

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What Will Be the Paganism of the Future?

Many religions contain a rosy story about the past, and look forward to a “foretold” future. Certainly the Abrahamic monotheisms do that; and many Pagan paths are highly focused on learning about and replicating traditions from long ago. Even many atheists who pursue spiritual paths these days feel that there must be…

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Vigil Winter stands in the corner of my garden, Rounds her shoulders, tucks her chin, draws tight her cloak of stars and ice, Razor moon and rain. Spare and erect, gaunt in the darkness,…

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They’re Not My Elders

Recently, there has been much sturm und drang in the Pagan blogosphere over the clearly-just-not-getting-it comments about trans women by recognizable Names in the community who have been involved at a high-profile level since the 1970s or even earlier. I feel a need to say something about this. First–as seems unfortunately…

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No, the Blood of the Ancients Does Not Run Through Our Veins

There is something pleasantly romantic about nostalgia. Particularly nostalgia for what has never been experienced: imagined times, long ago. I’m certainly prone to it. I love costuming and living history and reenactments and really good, period-accurate films and television series. Nemea and I enjoy throwing themed costume parties, and I…

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