Mark Green's Atheopaganism Blog

Living an Earth-Honoring Path Rooted in Science

Contemplating a Red Moon

Last night, 2019’s only lunar eclipse took place: a spectacular “supermoon” eclipse. We watched it from our back yard, watching the Moon slowly darken into a ruddy ball, and then, dramatically, the bright edge of ordinary Sun-lit surface burst into being and steadily reclaim it. Lunar eclipses are really cool.

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Atheopaganism: An Introduction

In recent months, hundreds of new Atheopagans have joined the Facebook group and followed the blog. Lots of folks viewing our path with new eyes, and many wondering how to get started. Accordingly, I thought I’d provide an overview of this Pagan path. Today I posted a…

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In Memoriam: Mary Oliver

The celebrated poet Mary Oliver has left us at the age of 83. Details of her life and achievements may be found here, but I’d like to say, as an Atheopagan, how meaningful her work was to me, and, I think, to all who find grace and meaning…

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CALL FOR NOMINEES: Atheopagan Charitable Cause 2019

Well, we took a poll and the results are in: this year, the majority of the community feels we should choose for our support a charitable organization which deals with conservation of the Sacred Earth itself. So now it’s time to submit your nominees! One per person, please, so…

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Raineth Drop and Staineth Slop

Winter is icumen in, Lhude sing Goddamm Raineth drop and staineth slop and how the wind doth Ramm Sing: Goddamm! —Ezra Pound This parody of the famous 13th century English round “Sumer is Icumen In” perfectly reflects how many of us experience the month of January. It’s…

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Atheopagan Events at Pantheacon 2019 [UPDATED!]

Though we were disappointed that Atheopagan submissions for presentation at Pantheacon weren’t accepted to the official schedule this year, that’s not slowing us down! We have three events scheduled in hospitality suites this year, including the popular annual Nontheist Pagan Mixer. The events are: FACING FORWARD: A talk on nontheist…

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