Mark Green's Atheopaganism Blog

Living an Earth-Honoring Path Rooted in Science

Paganism and Transgression: Some Questions

From Gardner’s nudism and enthusiasm for sadomasochism, which he folded into the foundation of Wicca… …to taking and embracing the label “witch” (and, to a lesser degree, “pagan”)… …to taking unusual names and adopting radical environmental and social politics… …to everything about Aleister Crowley… …the roots…

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Introducing the Atheopaganism App

It’s amazing what you can do—absolutely free!—on the Internet now. It turns out, you can create a lively and dynamic app that lives on the web, so a shortcut to it serves as a phone app for any platform. And you can do that without knowing how to code. I…

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Time + Tenacity = Hope

Story time! Time to visit my Really Not Finest Hour. There’s going to be a lunar eclipse on Saturday, July 4. As many of us know, the Moon’s phases run in roughly 19 year cycles. What that means is that 19 years ago, a full Moon with a lunar…

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Settling for the Awesome Universe

Goddesses and gods. Fairies and ghosts. Magic spells and hexes. Dragons and griffons and mermaids. Epic. Mythic. Heroic. Awesome. Well of course they are. We are story-telling creatures, and who doesn’t love a good story? If these were pedestrian tales, and boring, why would we listen to them? Why would…

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GUEST POST: An Atheopagan Example (starring: Hekate!)

by Kaigi-Ron Why did I choose Hekate?  Because she controls liminal space – including the thin line between Life and Death.  I was so deeply depressed, I felt doomed to die – so I wanted to cut a deal with her: If I die, please do what you can to…

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That Shameful Secret

For some, it’s the atheism. For others, the Paganism. And for others still, of course, both. There is a lot of prejudice and delusion out there, and people jealously guard their beliefs. When confronted with someone who believes differently, many of them…well, not to put too fine a…

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