Mark Green's Atheopaganism Blog

Living an Earth-Honoring Path Rooted in Science

Death, the Creator

Classic depictions of Death personified include skeletons carrying an hourglass or a scythe, mummified persons extending leathery hands, armies of skeletal warriors mowing down the living, or Pale Horsemen laying waste to kings, priests and children, as in the Coleman-Waite “Rider” Tarot deck. It makes complete sense that we…

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In Memoriam: James Randi

The Amazing Randi has left us following a remarkable 92-year life of stage magic, skeptical debunkings, and quotable quips. A beloved figure in the stage magic scene, he was an inspiration to acts like Penn and Teller and to skeptics everywhere as he unmasked deceivers like Uri Geller and…

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Presenting the Atheopagan cleric Introductory Guidebook!

This guidance resource for Atheopagan clerics includes information on legal rights and responsibilities, pastoral counseling (and what it isn’t), conducting weddings, working with the dying and grieving and conducting funerary rites, and other rites of passage. Check it out! Click here to download!…

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GUEST RITUAL: Annual Lascaux Cave Rediscovery Celebration

This ritual was proposed by Michael Halloran of the Atheopagan Facebook group and perfected through input of other members of the group. Perform this ritual every September 12 to commemorate the accidental finding of this French cave in 1940. Objective: Celebrate the rediscovery of this impressive prehistoric cathedral as…

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An Underworld Focus

At this time of year, I pay a lot of attention to one part of my Focus*. As altar-y spaces go, it is unquestionably the “witchiest” part of mine: bones, skulls, fossils of extinct species, a mummified bat, images of prehistoric cave paintings, megalithic spiral carvings…

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PLEASE VOTE! Atheopaganism book nominated for a “Witchie” Award!

I am so excited to announce that some wonderful person/people nominated my book, Atheopaganism: An Earth-Honoring Path Rooted in Science for a Witchie award! The Witchies are kind of like the “Pagan Oscars”, and include categories like Best Book, Best New Author, Best Vlog, etc. Atheopaganism has been nominated in…

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