Mark Green's Atheopaganism Blog

Living an Earth-Honoring Path Rooted in Science

Engaging the Work: My Next Frontier

Atheopaganism is about increasing our capacity for happiness and engaging our responsibilities to the Earth and to our fellow humans. As such, it requires us to look at ourselves and the world with both curiosity and compassion; to see where there is work to be done. For me personally, after…

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I Couldn’t Say It Better

John Halstead has a great post over at The Allergic Pagan on Patheos that I think any Atheopagan will find worth a read, thoughtfully challenging the pitfalls of thinking that can arise when those with a naturalist/humanist approach to Paganism consider their sisters and brothers who believe…

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Exploring the Atheopagan Principles: Principle 10—Responsible Sensuality

This is the tenth of a 13-part series on the Atheopagan Principles as I described them in my essay, “How I Became an Atheopagan”. To read the whole series, click on “Atheopagan Principles” in the tag cloud to the right. The tenth Atheopagan Principle…

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Come See Us at Pantheacon!

We’re doing three events at Pantheacon, all in the Pagan Scholars’ Den (Room 967): Godless Pagan Meet and Greet (lunch and wine served): Saturday, 12-3:00 PM Godless Bless: A Panel on Atheism and Paganism: Sunday, 1:30-3:00 PM Atheopaganism: A Workshop and Ritual: Sunday, 3:30-5:00 PM Hope to see you there!…

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Exploring the Atheopagan Principles: Principle 9—Social Responsibility

This is the ninth of a 13-part series on the Atheopagan Principles as I described them in my essay, “How I Became an Atheopagan”. To read the whole series, click on “Atheopagan Principles” in the tag cloud to the right. The ninth Atheopagan Principle is “I…

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Three Percent: a Riverain Blessing

Three percent is all they say The sweet water of a water planet Three percent The cool drink, the soft rain Rare as blood, rare as luck, rare To our wet hands, shining. From the far sky, adrift in curds and blankets Whips…

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