Mark Green's Atheopaganism Blog

Living an Earth-Honoring Path Rooted in Science

Three Percent: a Riverain Blessing

Three percent is all they say The sweet water of a water planet Three percent The cool drink, the soft rain Rare as blood, rare as luck, rare To our wet hands, shining. From the far sky, adrift in curds and blankets Whips…

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An Atheopagan Life: Celebrating Riverain, and Adapting the Wheel of the Year

Originally posted at The eight holidays of the modern Pagan “wheel of the year” present an annual cycle of Sabbaths tracing seasonal changes, agricultural cycles, and metaphors of the cycle of life. For an Atheopagan, it’s not a bad point to start from, rooted as it is…

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Brightening 2024

Today is the midpoint between what I term Midwinter (the winter solstice) and High Spring (the vernal equinox): thus, Brightening. Or Imbolc. Or Brighid. Or–my choice–Riverain, the Festival of Water. Depending on where you live, you might have…

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A Quick Index to Resources on this Site

There’s a lot here. More than 600 posts, going back to 2014. Essays on Atheopagan values and Principles, ritual skills and techniques, ritual outlines, suggestions for seasonal celebrations of the wheel of the year, rites of passage and personal rituals. A lot of useful ideas for help with building your…

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The Sabbath of Technology

Sabbaths have layers: layers of history, of symbolism, of metaphor. Each of the eight Sabbaths of the Atheopagan Wheel of the Year carries a rich complex of meanings and practices, new or old, and layers of history and memory. As a community, our Atheopagan ethic…

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A Brightening Ritual

It’s the February Sabbath! Midpoint between the winter solstice (Yule or Midwinter) and the spring equinox (which I call High Spring), it is the time when the light is noticeably returning after the deep darkness of winter, and the hope of spring is growing. It can thus be called Brightening,…

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