Mark Green's Atheopaganism Blog

Living an Earth-Honoring Path Rooted in Science


It’s early morning, with the Sun just beginning to rise. My bags are packed, and I’m off to the airport soon to go to SUNTREE RETREAT 2024!

I try to minimize my flying, but I don’t have the available time at work to drive this year, so here we are. I bought carbon credits to offset my travel, but that’s not much mitigation in my opinion.

In any event, I’m off to Colorado to spend four days with fellow Atheopagans, sharing rituals and comradery, celebration and meaningful times. The last one was just amazing and I have high expectations for this one. I was just knocked out last time by what great people there are in this community.

So off I go–please join us on Saturday for a live recording of THE WONDER podcast at 12:00 Mountain Time (11 AM Pacific); the Zoom link is the usual Saturday Mixer link posted in the Facebook and Discord communities.

See you on the flipside!


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