I’m Off to See the Atheists!
This weekend, I will attend the Freedom From Religion Foundation‘s annual conference, held this year in San Francisco.
FFRF is the largest freethinker/atheist organization in the U.S. It advocates for strict separation of church and state, and for atheists’ rights where they have been violated. This year’s conference will include speeches and presentations by such luminaries as my Congressman and friend, Jared Huffman, who founded the Freethought Caucus in the U.S. House of Representatives, and the eminent novelist Salman Rushdie. Regrettably, Adam Savage of “Mythbusters” withdrew due to a family emergency.
I’m able to attend the conference because of the generous support of two members of our community, and I’m deeply grateful. It will be interesting to spend time with activists of the atheist community and engage in conversations about Atheopaganism with those who are interested. I’m sure that—as in the Pagan community—there will be those who vehemently reject the idea of atheistic religion. But there will be others, I’m sure, who are more open-minded, curious and exploratory of mind.
If any of you happen to be going, look out for me! I’m have a short beard right now and I’ll be wearing my Atheopagan symbol pin on my lapel. I hope to see you there!
I hope you enjoy it! My husband and I are the FFRF state organizers for Kentucky, and we always enjoy the conventions when we can go. Unfortunately we’ll miss this one though.
It’ll be really interesting to check out!