Mark Green's Atheopaganism Blog

Living an Earth-Honoring Path Rooted in Science

Come Join Us at Pantheacon!

For the fourth year in a row, Atheopagan events will take place at Pantheacon, the largest indoor gathering of Pagans in the United States. Pantheacon 2018 will be held February 16-19, at the Doubletree convention hotel in San Jose, California.

Pantheacon is an adventure: there is wide-ranging content on all sorts of Pagan paths, and the attendees include many memorable, wonderful, and colorful folks. Much of the material isn’t really germane to Atheopaganism, but I always find useful and thought-provoking presentations to attend, and the experience of seeing in person friends I rarely get to experience other than online is a real treat.

This year, I am involved in three offerings at Pantheacon. They are:

  • Arming the Earth Warriors: An Activists’ Ritual. This ritual is for those who are actively working on issues of environmental and social justice concerns, to help them in their efforts.  1:30 pm Friday the 16th, in the Silicon Valley Room.
  • Non-Theist Pagan Mixer. Immediately after the ritual will be an informal gathering for non-theist Pagans and those curious about non-theist Paganism. Come by, have a glass of wine and a snack, and enjoy great conversation! 3:30 pm Friday the 16th, in the Fire Family Suite, Room 241.
  • Spark Collective Ritual. This annual offering is always a favorite. I serve on the Core committee of the Spark Collective; their ritual format is deity-free and based in the Fire Circle Tradition11 pm Saturday the 17th, Fir Room.

Pantheacon is an opportunity to meet new friends, hang out with old ones, learn about the very disparate paths of Pagans from throughout the world, and have a great time! I hope to see and/or meet many of you there this year!

If you are at Pantheacon and looking for me, most of the time other than at the events above I will be working in the Green Room, which is where presenters go to check in. Come find me!


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