It’s early morning, with the Sun just beginning to rise. My bags are packed, and I’m off to the airport soon to go to SUNTREE RETREAT 2024! I try to minimize my flying, but I don’t have the available time at work to drive this year, so here we are.
The Wonder
The Perseids are strong tonight. I mean, it’s early: 9 pm. The Sun is only just down, but it’s a clear night with a quarter Moon and after midnight, there should be a vivid meteor shower, perhaps as many as one every minute or even less. The night air is…
Happy Dimming!
It’s time again for the beginning of August Sabbath: the midpoint between Midsummer and Harvest. It’s always been a challenge for me to name this holiday. I tried things like “Summer’s End”–but it’s often the hottest time of the year where I live. Summer’s Waning, perhaps? But again, it doesn’t…
Listen to My Interview on “Embrace the Void” podcast!
Host Aaron Rabinowitz had me on to discuss the new book, and we had a deep conversation about Atheopaganism and non-supernatural Pagan practice. Great, probing questions! Have a listen.…
Discovering Atheopaganism
I never knew there was anyone who felt as I did, who believed as I did. I really feel that I have found my people–that I have come home. Atheopagan community member It has been hugely beneficial for me to discover the…
Feeling the Heat
It’s 104 degrees F. (40 C.) outside my house right now. It’ll go higher tomorrow; a gigantic heat dome has formed over the American West and temperatures are spiking to insane levels. With this year already poised to break last year’s all-time heat record worldwide, climate change is here, bringing…