Mark Green's Atheopaganism Blog

Living an Earth-Honoring Path Rooted in Science

Community Update, Oct. 2022

Hi, everyone!

We had our regular quarterly meeting of the Atheopagan Society Council last week, and we are going to be going through a strategic planning process to set priorities and objectives for our community for the next 2-3 years at our next meeting, in January.

The results of the recent poll of community members will be used to help us set these priorities, which will tell us where to put our energy and efforts.

Don’t worry! Beloved activities like the Zoom mixers and salons, the Atheopagan Voice, the affinity groups and the bi-annual Suntree Retreat aren’t going anywhere. But we’ll figure out how best to make these as useful and accessible for community members as possible.

Meanwhile, a top priority for this site is to migrate to a new host, where we can take advantage of some of the more powerful features of WordPress, including creating a detailed INDEX so you can find materials and resources more easily. I’m working on that migration now; it shouldn’t affect your experience at all, as the URL remains

Atheopaganism, the community of which is ten years old, has grown rapidly, and a major challenge for us is to ensure that our activities are sustainable, our volunteers (including me) don’t get burned out, and we continue to provide resources, training and other wished-for services to support our community members. This plan will serve as a roadmap for achieving these things, and position us for even more success going forward.

I look forward to engaging with you through this blog, social media, online and in-person classes and events!


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