Citizens’ Climate Lobby launches Earth-based Spirituality Action Team
12 September 2019 — The CCL Earth-based Spirituality Action Team announces its
formation and inaugural conference call. The team will offcially launch just after the
southward equinox on 24 September 2019, with an interactive call featuring guest speaker M. Macha NightMare.
Citizens’s Climate Lobby is a nonproft, nonpartisan, grassroots advocacy organization
focused on national policies to address climate change.
“CCL has over 50 action teams in a wide range of areas, including a dozen faith-based
teams,” said T. Todd Elvins, CCL Action Coordinator. “The Earth-based Spirituality team
will give greater visibility to an often-overlooked religious orientation.”
“The Earth-based Spirituality Team is for Pagans, Wiccans, Witches, Occultists, Druids,
Gaians, Goddess-worshippers, Earth-worshippers, Animists, Deep Ecologists, Scientifc
Pantheists, Creation-centered Christians, Secular Humanists, and Religious Naturalists,”
said Bart Everson, CCL volunteer and founding team leader. “We enthusiastically welcome indigenous people, followers of African Diasporic Traditions, shamanic practitioners, and anyone who shares our reverence for Mother Earth.”
On the inaugural call, prominent ritualist M. Macha NightMare will share her distinctly Pagan perspective on interfaith cooperation. “We are stronger together,” she said,
speaking from her home in Marin County, California. “We needn’t sacrifice any of our uniqueness to work with others.”
M. Macha NightMare, whose given name is Aline O’Brien, is a ritualist, both solo and collaborative, internationally published author, and activist. She co-authored The Pagan Book of Living and Dying and serves on the Advisory Boards of Cherry Hill Seminary,
the Sacred Dying Foundation, and Poetry Witch Magazine. She has published two other books, and has contributed to anthologies, encyclopedia, religious studies, textbooks, and periodicals.
Macha represents the Covenant of the Goddess, and CHS in the American
Academy of Religion, Marin Interfaith Council, Marin Interfaith Climate Action
(founding member), and United Religions Initiative, and at interfaith symposia
throughout the U.S. Currently she serves the inmates of the Wiccan circle at San Quentin State Prison. She blogs at Broomstick Chronicles and Witch at Large: Ruminations from a
Grey Perspective.
Everson, who is based in New Orleans, expressed gratitude for Macha’s involvement, citing her depth of experience as an asset to the team. He is hopeful that Earth-based practitioners will answer the call to action. “We strive to keep the sacred Earth at the center of our practice,” Everson said. “As a result, we see action on climate change as an urgent moral imperative. We aim to reach out into our global communities and recruit volunteers for Citizens’ Climate Lobby. We recognize and honor the spiritual nature of climate work.”
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CCL Earth-based Spirituality Action Team link:
Zoom meeting details
Topic: EBSAT Inaugural Call
Time: Sep 24, 2019 07:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
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