Mark Green's Atheopaganism Blog

Living an Earth-Honoring Path Rooted in Science

Join Us for “Atheopaganism U.”!

Please note that the first session of Atheopaganism U. is filled. If you would like to be put on the list for the next session, please use the Contact page form.

I’m excited to announce that I am launching an online course in the Atheopagan path, “Atheopaganism U.”, with the first class starting June 1, 2019!

All details about Atheopaganism U. are available by clicking theĀ University tab or following the link in this sentence.

I hope you’ll consider joining us!


  1. In this time of for-profit universities, perhaps it’s best to leave off the “u” as we try to remember what an actual university should be.

      1. The only reason for that comment is that you inserted a tone of voice from your own head, since writing carries none. Might be worth exploring what inferences your subconscious provided. All the best.

    1. Actually, I should correct that. All AMERICAN universities are for-profit, whether or not they are ostensibly nonprofit. Gouging families for outrageous tuitions and ravaging faculties and replacing them with adjunct faculty, all so they can hire more administrators at outrageous salaries. It’s a scam, and it needs to stop.

      This course bears no resemblance to any of that.

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