Mark Green's Atheopaganism Blog

Living an Earth-Honoring Path Rooted in Science

Thank you

Just wanted to chime in here to say that y’all are great.

Really: that’s all I want to say. The community of people who have participated here and on the Facebook Atheopaganism page is a joy to me. We have interesting and civil conversations, we share compelling information and thought-provoking articles, and we share the many ways in which we are pursuing non-theistic Pagan pathways.

I suspect that as the various flavors and labels of non-theistic Paganism—Atheopaganism, humanistic Paganism, naturalistic Paganism, mythopoetic Pantheism, e.g.—become recognized as a natural part of the Pagan community, groups made up explicitly of our kind will begin to coalesce to practice together, and that’s a great thing. But for now, for most of us, online is where we can find our peers, and I’m just so glad to be able to connect with the hundreds of you who have joined the group and participated.

Recently, I celebrated the 100th post here at Atheopaganism (this is 102). And every time I post one, there is a surge of traffic. I don’t take that for granted; I am deeply grateful to all of you who take the time to read my stuff, to comment, to reblog. I’m glad that what I offer here resonates for so many, and to be able to be of service to the community in this way.

Thanks, everyone. May your lives be filled with meaning, joy and pleasure.


  1. We could thank you as well — for the time you put into creating these groups, for generating and sharing material, for contributing to meaningful conversation. I’m really thankful for the sense of community we’ve all helped to create online, a place that isn’t hostile and which allows for the discussion of a myriad of topics. This site and the Facebook page are two resources which have really helped me (and others I’m sure) come to a better understanding of themselves, the world, and the community. So, thanks for all the work you do! (And thanks to everyone who participates).

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